- Blackbuck - Bongo - Bushbuck - Duiker - Dik Dik - Eland - Generuk - Gazelle - Gnu - Hartebeest - Impala - Kudu - Oryx - Pronghorn - Reebok - Reedbuck - Sitatunga - Springbok - Waterbuck - Wildebeest - A number of dwarf antelopes
Antelopes There are 90 species of antelope.
Have horizontal eye pupils.
Are very fast runners and escape predators by leaping.
Can reach speeds of about 95 km per hour.
Horns grow to about 5ft long.
Mating season is known as Rutting Season.
Prefer to live in herds, which are often extremely large.
Live for between 8 - 10 years in the wild.
Impalas are capable of jumping 10 feet into the air when threatened.
Male Eland antelopes let other males know how tough they are by clicking their knees.
The Dik Dik is a miniature antelope that can go for months without water, but will die after a week without salt.
The Dik Dik grows to between 30-40cm at shoulder height.
The Generuk (known as the Giraffe Gazelle - translated from Somali - or Waller's Gazelle), is a long-necked species of antelope. It is found in the dry thorn shrubland and desert in the Horn of Africa and the African Great Lakes region.
Running Speeds:
The Pronghorn Antelope of North America can run at speeds up to 55mph - making it one of the fastest long-distance runners in the animal kingdom.
The Blackbuck (native to the Indian subcontinent) can run at speeds up to 50mph.
The Springbok can run at speeds of up to 60 mph. It leaps into the air mid-run, known as 'pronking' in order to confuse predators.
The Impala can run at speeds up to 48mph. They can leap up to 10 feet in the air - not only to evade predators, but also the navigate through the African savanna.