All Insects have 6 legs There are more insects in the world than all the other animals combined.
Bugs are an order of insects.
Bugs are insects, arachnids, myriapods and crustaceans.
Biologically speaking, bugs are insects that suck.
Can live in cracks and crevices and they can withstand extreme conditions.
Beetles account for a quarter of all known species of plants and animals.
Female aphids give birth to other live female aphids that are already pregnant with yet more female aphids.
A male rhinoceros beetle can lift 850 times its own body weight.
15,000 dust mites can live in one gram of dust.
The male Cicada is the loudest insect in the world. Its sound can reach 120 decibels.
80% of all insects live in jungles.
An aphid can produce an identical copy of itself every 20 minutes. They are 'parthenogenetic'.
Cockroaches appeared 120 million years before the dinosaurs.
The oldest cockroach fossils are over 280 million years old.
If a cockroach touches a person, it immediately runs away and washes itself.
Can hold its breath for 40 minutes.
Shed their shells several times a year.
Can live for several weeks with its head cut off - this is because its brain is inside its body. It slowly starves to death.
Deathwatch Beetles attract mates by repeatedly banging their heads on the floor.
Scientists have performed brain surgery on cockroaches.
A cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes.
Crickets and Grasshoppers
Grasshoppers have short antenna that point forward - and they hear through their sides.
Grasshoppers' blood is white.
Grasshoppers have hairs all over their body to detect air movement.
Crickets are long and thin and sweep backwards - and have ears on their legs just below their knee joints.
Crickets make their unique sound by rubbing their wings together.
Crickets and grasshoppers are orthopterans, meaning 'straight wing'. They each have a pair of long, narrow wings that stretch the length of their backs.
Crickets can hear using their legs - sound waves vibrate a thin membrane on their front legs.
The higher the temperature, the faster a cricket chirps. When the temperature is about 11 degrees Celsius, the cricket chirps about 60 times a minute.
80% of a cricket is edible, compared to 40% of a cow.
Flap their wings in a figure-of-eight motion.
Have 6 legs but cannot walk.
The fastest inset is the Australian Dragonfly with a top speed of 35 miles per hour.
Its eyes contain 30,000 lenses.
Have the sharpest eyesight and the largest eyes among the insects.
Can migrate 11,000 miles a year.
Dung Beetles
If Dung Beetles disappeared from the plains of Africa, its human inhabitants would be up to their waists in excrement within a month
Dung Beetles navigate by using the Milky Way
The horn of a Dung Beetle is more than twice the length of its body
Dung beetles can bury 250 times their own weight i dung in a single evening
Can jump up to 200 times their height - equivalent to jumping the Empire State Building in New York.
Glow Worms
Are not worms, but insects.
Live in undisturbed woodlands and caves.
Eat snails, slugs and other insects.
Main predators are spiders, birds and centipedes.
Only the females glow, and the males are attracted to their glow.
Ladybirds / Ladybugs Entomologists generally prefer the name Ladybird to Ladybug.
Are beetles - in America they are called ladybugs.
Eat insects, flies, mites and aphids.
The bright colours are to warn predators to stay away.
The spots on their backs have nothing to with its age.
They can have as many as 22 spots.
They are often thought to predict the weather - if one fell off your hand, it would rain - if it flew away, it meant that the weather would be nice.
Ladybug eggs are tiny helpless blogs.
Upon hatching, if there are not enough aphids to feed on, they will each each other.
A female Ladybug can lay as many as 1,000 eggs a year.
Young Ladybugs grow spikes all over their bodies.
At four weeks old, the Ladybug is fully grown.
A swarm of locusts is an extremely destructive event as they eat all the plants they can find.
Swarming is very uncommon.
Locusts usually live alone but if crowded together they will swarm in search of new, less crowded places.
The cloud of insects can block out the sun.
Swarms of locusts move so fast because each locust is trying to eat the one in front and avoid being rate by the one behind.
Praying Mantis
Has only one ear, which is located between its legs.
Have binocular vision - both eyes work together to help it decipher visual clues.